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On 1st December 2024, the voluntary transfer took place between Bishop Otter Academy Trust (BOAT) and the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust (DCAT).  DCAT has embraced the opportunity to welcome St Nicolas & St Mary’s CE Primary School into their family of schools.  St Nicolas & St Mary’s will continue to serve its community and retain its unique identity.

Bishop Otter Academy Trust was established following the successful application to the Department for Education (DfE) for a free school to meet the need for extra primary places in the Shoreham area.

Once the DfE confirmed the application, the department had responsibility to identify a location/land for the development of the new school. Due to Shoreham being land-locked, a suitable location for the proposed free school, St Clement, proved challenging.

In 2020, the DfE requested further information of the need for the free school.  It became apparent that over the time that had lapsed, pupil numbers were dropping in the area and the pressure on school places was not as it was when the free school bid for St Clement CE Primary Academy had been approved.  The DfE therefore ceased the process for St Clement CE Primary Academy to be developed.

In 2022, St Nicolas & St Mary CE Primary School joined BOAT as the founding academy.

It proved a challenge to grow the Trust, and the Trustees took the decision, with the support of the Local Governing Board, to seek a voluntary transfer arrangement with another Trust that had the same vision and commitment to supporting staff to help pupils to achieve their God-given potential and to serve their distinct community.

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